!!! New This Week !!!


Heartily Welcome to All

American Red Cross

Franklin County Children Services
Protecting Children by Strengthening Families

Where a Great Experience Doesn't Cost a Great Deal

6360 Busch Blvd, Columbus OH 43229 | 614.318.0550 |  map

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Home Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6 Screen 7 Screen 8 Screen 9 Screen 10


$4.00 3D
$1.50 Regular
$1.00 Wednesdays
2D  Only
$2.00 Weekends


(Now in Effect)
All week Everyday
Open at 12:00pm

Fall & Winter
Mon,Tue& Thu
Open at  5:00pm

Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun
 Open at 12:00pm

Free! Coupons

Special Deals

6360 Busch Blvd, Columbus OH 43229 | 614.318.0550 |  map
Our Mission :To Provide Affordable Family Entertainment.


Can Seat from 64 to 406


Enjoy the DTS / Digital Sound


High back Rocker Seating


Listening devices available


Accommodations for the disabled


DVD Xbox PS Projection available



Where a Great Experience... Doesn't Cost a Great Deal

We pride ourselves in giving you with a wide variety of the movies, concessions at a reasonable cost in a family atmosphere

Screen 1 Can Seat up to 238,  Enjoy the All Digital Experience
Screen 2 Can Seat up to 252, Enjoy the  All Digital Experience
Screen 3 Can Seat up to 406, Enjoy the All Digital Experience
Screen 4 Can Seat up to 154, Enjoy the All Digital Experience
Screen 5 Can Seat up to 154, Enjoy the 35mm Stereo Sound
Screen 6 Can Seat up to 64, Enjoy the All Digital Experience
Screen 7 Can Seat up to 165, Enjoy the 35mm Stereo Sound
Screen 8 Can Seat up to 187, Enjoy the All Digital Experience

Coupons / Charity Vouchers
To Avoid Abuse of the Special Deals / Coupons / Charity Vouchers : We Only Honor One Coupon in a visit per Group / Family / Party with all other applicable Limitations

for Admissions only, No cash Value! For Intended use only as specified on the pass

No Refunds
No Cash Refunds! Passes will be issued only at the Discretion of the Management

No Solicitations
without any Prior written Approval no Goods or Services can be sold on the Premises

No Outside Food or Drinks
Other than for medical necessities without any Prior written Approval no Outside food or Drinks permitted on the Premises

No Disturbance! No Disruption! No Nuisance! No Smoking! No Weapons
 Violation of the Code of Conduct* will Result in Removal / asked to leave the Premises without any refund or Passes.

Code of Conduct*
In Order to Provide a safe and Enjoyable Movie going Experience for all Guests, Please be Courteous to those around you and refrain from dangerous or disruptive behaviors, Including but not limited to the Following:
Loitering, Fighting, Engaging in Intimidating, Disorderly, or Disruptive behaviors, Using Racial Slurs, Obscene or offensive language and gestures, Bothering others, Speaking Loudly, Smoking in non designated areas, Being Intoxicated or Under the Influence of Alcohol or Illegal Drugs,
Possession of Alcohol, Recording Devices Audio or Video or Even Using Phone/Mobile Devices to do the same, Emitting  Distracting Lights or Sounds that may Disrupt the Film Presentation,
Wearing Mask or hood that obscures the face, Failing to be Fully Appropriately clothed, wearing Revealing apparel, with Obscene or Offensive Languages or Images which is likely to provoke a disturbance or conflict,
Violating any Government Federal / State / City / Local Ordinances

For Rent

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