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MeraBharath Vedhan
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 Dear Friends,

 The following is my message on the auspicious occasion of Deepawali. It is a long message but I hope you will read it and provide your comments to me. Hindus have been celebrating Deepawali ritualistically for centuries by mostly praying, going to temples, decorating their houses, wearing new clothes, playing with fire-crackers, and generally maintaining the traditional ways in celebrating the biggest Hindu festival. I wish all my friends a happy Deepawali and a healthy and prosperous new year.

I wish on this occasion, we are able to remove doubts, jealousy, and numerous other negative and energy-draining emotions from our heart and lit it with the true meaning and the spirit thatDeepawali represents. In order to achieve victory of good over evil, we need to work towards destroying evil as Lord Ram did. Mere slogans will not do the job and if we can't call a spade a spade, then we are simply not sincere towards our great traditions. Lord Ram will not be happy with merely
chanting his name unless the examples he set are also followed.

There is a psychological warfare going on against Hindus. Our limit is Being tested by dilly-dallying in hanging Afzal, by creating Vande Matram controversy, by arresting Shankracharya, by changing our childrenTs history textbooks, by demeaning our Gods, by not letting Ram temple to be built in Ayodhya, and by not affording Hindus their due rights in their own country. The evil forces know that Bharat can't be captured by attacking it militarily, so the Hindu psyche is being attacked by slowly destroying our culture. On many occasions our fellow Hindus, who have sold their souls to foreigners, are employed in this task. Most of the Hindus today are confused and are standing at the crossroad, not knowing where to go and which action to undertake because they are conveniently being fooled by our enemy who has properly studied our history, twisted it, and then fed it to us. They are hoping we continue to sleep like Kumbhakarna.

Our temple going crowd is merely content with chanting, doing puja,  fasting, and following rituals. They feel that by just circling murtis 25 times all of their sins will be washed away and God will bestow His blessing on them. These activities are the initial components of our spiritual life, but by no means a complete prescription to the ailments that we suffer collectively. Our enemy wants us to continue to engage in rituals and believe in â sarva dharm sambhaavâ so that we remain confused and become easy target for conversion and destruction. If our prayers were powerful, the Somnath mandir would not have been plundered 18 times. The social reformers and patriots like Bhagat Singh, Rana Pratap, Shiva Ji, Veer Savarkar, Lok Manya Tilak, Goghale, etc. have either received low profile or a tag of terrorists from our secular and convent educated abuse who always hail Gandhi and Nehru as the architects of Bharat, as Bharat is only a few decades old!

In spite of all the destructive activities conducted by missionaries and muslims, most Hindus believe that our dharma has strength to survive their onslaught. They reason that we have survived muslim and British rule in the past and once again will come out of the current mess. Hindus fail to recognize that our culture has already been weakened to the extent that a continued assault on it will render it unable to rise again. Our ancestors have fought with the British and muslim rule to the best of their ability, but we are not able to fight the current enemy the same way because our strength (culture) is slowly sapping away from us and our next generation will not have any heroes to emulate and hence will be unable to offer any resistance to the inimical forces. Things don't continue to survive unless we work towards protecting them.

So, the need of today is to create a spirit of volunteerism to help save our language and culture, the essential components of our dharma. To become a volunteer is the toughest job in the world simply because one does not receive any monetary reward for his/her work except a sense of pride and cultural accomplishment that the coming generations might appreciate. Hindus have overburdened themselves with unnecessary tasks that occupy them most of their waking hours. People who excuse about a lack of time should cut down on their TV viewing time, party, and other nonessential activities. Try utilizing your energy for the broader and good social causes and more will be given to you.

People who are engaged in managing businesses should donate to the Worthy causes. What is the use of having money? Anything in excess, be it money or extra weight causes disease and mental tension.

The other thing I see Hindus lacking in is engaging in regular  exercise. If we are not exercising regularly by going to gym, by walking, by doing yoga, and by other aerobic and weight bearing activity, then we are wasting the youthful years of our lives. The people who do regular exercise will attest to what I am saying. If we can't take out 1 hour out of 24 for our mental and physical development, then we are on a wrong path.

Our culture has mainly been sustained by our women and I salute them  For their farsightedness. At the end, I would like to ask for a few strong and self-motivated men and women to join our team and work towards promoting our Hindu culture. There are two main reasons for our society to suffer from the cultural bankruptcy: (1) Good people remain inactive while destructive forces work overtime to achieve their agenda, and (2) We have attached our bhakti at the wrong place. We must attach ourselves faithfully to a cause rather than to a throne or a post. Somnath mandir was looted so many times because devotees did not understand what it represented. So, let us join together for a cause and build a healthy cultural portfolio that will remain unaffected from societal upheaval and destructive elements. There cannot be a better resolution than this on aspisious occasion of Deepawali.




\UZ GOD is OneG

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