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Theatre Rental - % Rates

Exhibitor / Rents

#1 / #2:   1 Show $500.00
2 Shows $800.00
5 Shows  $1750.00
10 Shows $3000.00

#8:   1 Show $400.00
2 Shows $700.00
5 Shows  $1500.00
10 Shows $2500.00

each additional show will be charged $350 for #1/#2 and $300 for #8

 All shows need to be with in the Week (7 days) not Applicable other wise.

Distributor / %

If the Total Gross Collection of 1st week is

$15000 or more then 20% goes to SriMovies and  80%  to Distributor

$10000 or more 25% goes to SriMovies and  75%  to Distributor

$5000 or more 30% goes to SriMovies and  70%  to Distributor

$2500 or more 35% goes to SriMovies and  65%  to Distributor

                  Anything Less than $2500 40% goes to SriMovies and  60%  to Distributor

Second week on wards 50% goes to SriMovies and  50%  to Distributor

No Rents for SriMovies Theatres in Columbus, All other Rents, Advertising, Logistics, Transport, Tips  will be Distributor’s Responsibility.

Exhibitors can also avail Distributor Kind of % Deal, Only if *All the Movies screenings and the Tickets Sales!  are Exclusive with Sri movies. *Not Applicable if some are rental and some are % basis

Rentrak Reporting Only For Distributor / % Where All the Ticket Sales and Collections are by Screens / Sri Movies

**Additional One time DIGITAL User Fees Applies to all DIGITAL Shows Mpeg:$150 / Jpeg:$350

Movie Pick-Up / Drop-Off / Building / Breaking Charges $50/- Each time

***For Year long Exclusive Screening Deals


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