AID Ladakh

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Association for India’s Development (AID)

Columbus Chapter


proudly presents

 “Learning for life: Experiences from Ladakh, India”

A talk by

Sujatha Padmanabhan

Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group, India

 6PM - 7:30PM

Wednesday, November 25

1015, McPherson Laboratory

The Ohio State University  


Ladakh, a part of the Trans-Himalayan region of India, is a cold desert with unique, and fragile, environment and culture. Till fairly recently, children in Ladakh were not taught about their local environment and their rich natural heritage. This talk describes the initiation of a successful Conservation Education program, based on a “heads, heart and hands” approach to bring alive the wild flora and fauna of Ladakh, teach about the threats they face and give ideas for their conservation. Such “learning for life” is an invaluable asset that would help children become stewards of their environment and foster conservation in the long run.


Sujatha Padmanabhan is with the Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group, Pune, India.  As the education coordinator of Kalpavriksh, she has contributed to development of localized textbooks and education programs in different parts of India. She has authored four books and has contributed numerous articles to prominent Indian newspapers and magazines such as The Hindu, Frontline, Sanctuary and Chandamama.  

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