AID Columbus

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Charity Navigator awards highest rating to AID!!

Charity Navigator. Four Star Charity.

AID. AID Columbus. Association of India's Development.

Welcome to the Columbus Chapter of the Association for India's Development (AID)!

AID is a non-profit, volunteer movement that supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources, agriculture, health, women's empowerment and social justice.

AID's holistic vision enables it to address underlying causes rather than just responding to symptoms, by supporting constructive and creative work through various projects and by using powerful tools for bringing change, such as campaigning against corruption. We, at AID Columbus, believe that small initiatives such as the projects we support help shape the future of our nation.

How To Help

We meet every Friday at 7 pm at is 335, Campbell Hall (1787 Neil Ave), The Ohio State University, Columbus (Google the location). All discussions regarding projects that we support, fund raising and other aspects of running AID-Columbus happen during our weekly meetings.

Minutes of all AID Columbus weekly meetings are archived at the Minutes database in the AID main website.

For more information on AID Columbus activities, please contact:

  • Sridhar Vedachalam at 614-364-3414
  • Rohan Mishra at 614-264-2450

Association for India’s Development is a 501(C)(3) (Federal Tax-ID 04-3652609) non-profit charitable organization. All donations to AID are tax-exempt.


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